
Meet Our Athletic Director

Justin Smith
Athletic Director
The Athletic Department at Jacksonville Classical Academy is committed to be an integral part of the overall educational experience for our diverse student body. The paramount function of the JXC Athletic Department is to fulfill the educational mission of the school through continually striving to enhance the athletic program for our students by promoting academic excellence, leadership and community involvement. We will foster positive character growth and development by emphasizing the highest values and ideals of our school, including good sportsmanship, personal integrity and fair play. Our main goal is to promote high character student athletes both on and off the field.
Jacksonville Classical Academy offers various athletic programs for both male and female students beginning in Middle School and continuing through Junior Varsity and Varsity programs in High School. The administration and staff of the Department of Athletics plan to operate its programs with a high degree of competency and professionalism while always respecting the rules and regulations of the Florida High School Athletics Association and the Florida Charter Athletic Association.
Finally, at Jacksonville Classical Academy we sincerely believe that athletic opportunities are a powerful and influential teaching tool. Through participation in athletics, the overall educational experience will be enhanced for our student-athletes and will serve them well throughout their adult lives.
Go Jets!
Justin Smith
Athletic Director
Thank you to our generous athletic sporsors!