We provide breakfast and lunch to all of our students for free! Breakfast is served from 7:00am-7:50am every morning in the Cafetorium.​ Students can bring their own lunch OR get school lunch provided by our vendor, Whitson's Culinary Group.
To see the monthly menus for each campus, please CLICK HERE and type "Jacksonville" into the search bar. FD Meal Planner provides easy access to school menu information anytime, from any mobile device or PC. Menus are interactive, allowing you to build your own meals in order to view custom nutritional and allergen information.
Adult Meal purchasing directions:
All adult meals (breakfast and lunch) are purchased in the cafeteria at the time of sale using a personal debit/credit card.
Breakfast: $3.25
Lunch: $5.75
Food Service Documents:
Food Service - Wellness Policy
Wellness Policy Checklist - Riverside Campus
Wellness Policy Checklist - Fort Caroline Campus
Sanitation Certificate - Riverside Campus
Sanitation Certificate - Fort Caroline Campus
Sanitation - Food Service Inspection Report - Riverside Campus
Sanitation - Food Service Inspection Report - Fort Caroline Campus
Group Care Certificate - Riverside Campus
Group Care Certificate - Fort Caroline Campus
Public School Inspection Report - Riverside Campus
Public School Inspection Report - Fort Caroline Campus
Jacksonville Classical Charter Academy is accepting proposals for the food service
management (FSMC) of the NSLP and SBP at their school to begin on 7/1/2025.
Proposals are due electronically on 4/10/2025 by 10:00AM ET to
krichardson@jacksonvilleclassical.org. Pre-bid questions are due on 03/21/2025, by
12:00 PM. Bids will be opened virtually on 4/10/2025 at 10:05AM. For questions and a
copy of bid documents, contact Kate Richardson, krichardson@jacksonvilleclassical.org